Thursday, October 8, 2009

Embryonic Cells.

Every story has truth attached to it, even the most unbelievable. The line between fact and fiction is always crossed somehow.
We humans are strange creatures. We are all somehow psychic. We can predict the future. Sometime we just tell ourselves, sometime we share it with others and sometime the future that we predict is so twisted and weird for today's minds that we are afraid to mention it so we will not get ridiculed.
The events described in this story takes place in the future that is not so distant and not so close.
For this to happen, we would have to survive the 21st century. Which by all account could be a make or break century in continuation of human specie. It is a fiction based on tomorrow's facts.Facts not going to be exactly like the fictional story here. But still the essential circumstance and methodology will be pretty close.
Like I said everybody can be a psychic or use better term could be a predictor of the future. So if either our specie survive or one of the human species steps beyond 21st century from the collections of parallel universes. The stories very similar to this one will be an everyday event.
Little about how this story developed:
I live in a small to medium size city in Western Washington called Federal Way.
I see the cops constantly delegate and transfer their duties to cameras. Not only red light, speed etc but even patrolling shopping centers and malls. They put cameras in all crowded places and not even getting monitored by Cops. Some of them by outside contractors and they keep a portion of the money collected. And the trouble centers and shopping mall cameras monitored by bunch of volunteer teenagers. If the see something dangerous, they alert the cops and only than the patrol cars move. And my city is only an example. Those changes take place everywhere in the country.
I don't know how exactly this works and managed. So, no legal challenges for accuracy please. This is still a fiction. I am just saying how the idea of writing this story developed.
In order to predict the future further and further away, you have to pay very close attention to embryos. I use the term embryo more wide and extended. Everything we see, feel, touch or get affected by today, had an embryo yesterday. In society and material world, nothing comes up from nothing. Set aside the exceptions in quantum physics and deep philosophical spiritual phenomena. Tomorrow's society and societies of coming centuries all have their embryos developing in ours.
By paying attention to these embryos, it become possible to predict future more and more precisely.
Now for years and years machines replaced humans. Why than it wasn't alarming? I am not saying it is bad or good, that depends on every one's opinion. But in development of each embryo there is a turning point. It is one thing that machine replaces an assembly worker and totally different, when it replaces Police and Judge and maybe the rest of governmental structure tomorrow. When Judge and Police is a machine of a system of machines and electronics and chips you get punished by machine not by a human who is responsible keeping order in society. Punishment could be a ticket or imprisonment or torture, its still punishment. As we relinquish this duty to machines, that turning point has arrived and we have better view of tomorrow.
And when you make a story and a prediction how tomorrow looks like, even if it is fictional, you have no choice to have a balanced believable view of other events that is taking place there. So you talking about Cops but the have to have a vehicle that can not be 2009 Town car or a Chrysler 300, you have to look for tomorrow's vehicles, tomorrow's radio and communication equipments, computers, music equipments, even sunglasses etc etc. So you end up digging more and more embryos or your story would look a hybrid of today and tomorrow and eventually false. That is where the job gets tougher. You can construct a specific aspect of life tomorrow but building whole story requires more thinking and more precision. How successful I am going to be? You are going to be the judge or a machine in tomorrowland.

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